Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Are you creating a legacy?

Hello everyone, this is Faith Burden, Todd Burden's daughter. I know I am late to post how dad normally would, but I'd like to do my best at continuing his tradition of weekly devotionals. As many of you probably know, Todd is currently intubated in the hospital, and fairly unresponsive. They have him off sedation, but he is still struggling to wake up which could possibly be due to brain damage from the brain clot and/or bleed. If you could bear with me, I'll do my best to honor his legacy until he can get back to doing the things he loves. 

Speaking on legacy, my dad, and this situation I can highlight a lot of key motivators in my life. The Burden crew had asked friends and family to send in videos of memories and prayers for dad to hear and we were overwhelmed by how many people have been touched by the testimony and ministry of Todd Burden, including myself. This week of struggles has really challenged my perspective on how God can move and work. However, in my questioning, I never found myself doubting. Instead, I found myself at peace with God having the control - If you know anything about me, you know I hate to feel out of control or not have something to do/ contribute towards tackling a challenge. I evaluated where this peace may have grown from and found that my dad's voice was still ringing in my ears saying, "But God." His two favorite words in the Bible. Though struggles may come, and tomorrow is uncertain, God has the power, control, love and sovereignty to have the final say in whatever path life may take. My dad has left a legacy, in my life, and many others. Like any good basketball player, a legacy is made in highlights, and triumphs. It's a person/player who rises to an occasion and handles it in a way that leaves others inspired to do the same. My father always shows me the love of Christ, he always reminds me of the examples of God's goodness in our lives no matter how hard I thought it would be to see them. He has shared his knowledge and impacted my life in a way that I can have confidence in who I am, my beliefs, and ultimately who Christ is. People always look to parents when a child does something, they learn and grow to be who they are because of the impact of who they're parents are. I could not have been more blessed by the impactful example that my parents have shown, but this devotion is not about them. Not everyone has been blessed in that way, not everyone can think of a hero in their life that they want to live up to in legacy. So, I ask, "who are you looking to, what motivates you to act?" We are called by God our father, put on a mission as Christians to follow the example that Christ has set before us. We are Christ's legacy, are we honoring it well, are we inspiring others to do the same? Creating and honoring a legacy takes dedications towards that goal. We are commissioned to dedicate each day, every action and reaction to Christ. In this, we become the example of the impact Christ has left in our lives so that others are inspired to show how they have been or could be touched by God's presence as well. What better way to open conversation for the Gospel, than unexplainable acts of love, mercy, grace...the way Christ had unexplainable love, mercy and grace towards us on the cross. I challenge you, dedicate active time each day to work on that legacy, like a player practices a skillset, practice putting on the image of Christ so maybe we can master the skill.

I'd like to claim that these words have been written in attempts to encourage those who read it, but ultimately it is to remind myself of the same truths my dad has instilled in me. The same truths he acquired from practicing active time studying God's word. 

1 Peter 2:21

For you have been called for this purpose, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you would follow in His steps

1 John 2:6

Whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

1 Corinthians 11:1

Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

Matthew 11:29

Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

1 comment:

Quita said...

WOW Faith! Such beautiful words!! You are an inspiration, just like your daddy! Love you!