Doctrinal Statement

·         The Bible is our absolute playbook! It is God-breathed!

·         The triangle offense = one God in three persons - the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.

·         Every man is a sinner, by nature and experience. Man is spiritually dead and separated from God – on the losing team!

·         Man has no ability to redeem himself. No amount of effort can earn man a spot on God's roster!

·         God, seeing man's condition, sent a sub into the game of life - Jesus! - conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, and is all the fullness of God in bodily form.

·         Jesus showed the "ultimate hang-time" on the cross of Calvary, a sacrifice for man's sin! Then when team world thought they had Him down - He exploded out of the grave, victorious over death and hell!

·         Salvation is by GRACE through FAITH in CHRIST's finished work! The Holy Spirit then indwells and equips believers for quality playing time in the game of life, and seals them until the day of redemption!

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