Monday, May 27, 2024

Where is my hope? 5/27/24

Reverence to God's power can be a confusing battle to be caught in. In our minds, characteristics of God can seem contradictory. We hear things about God's love, grace, mercy and compassion while also hearing of His judgment, power and all knowing knowledge. We can come to God the Father but are also called to have the fear of the Lord. Where is the balance in all of this?

With everything going on with my dad, I’ve struggled with not being afraid of hope. I try to hold on to peace in the Lord in the midst of my confusion. I trust that the Lord can give complete healing and work miracles in my dad's condition, but I also understand that healing may not come in Earthly measures. What better healing than heavenly relief. God can use the testimony being made now, but He can also use the struggle to be an opportunity to share exactly the message my dad has lived for. There is love, and compassion, but also power and divine understanding that I find myself battling in. I have hope for the healing I would selfishly prefer while being concerned and trying to trust if the Lord chooses the latter. I look at it like God the father. For my dad, I respected that he would discipline me for learning sake but I could always trust that he loved me and would do anything for me. I also trusted that, especially in younger childhood, he saw and understood things I didn’t know. For example, even though my basketball bounced better in the road, dad understood an important thing, cars hurt and I didn’t know how to look for them yet. At first I was so upset because he “ruined the fun” but I found trust in understanding his teaching and correction was out of a loving protection. If God knows more than I do, which is definitely true, I can understand that whatever route He takes, He is on my side. One character in God does not negate or contradict another. They work together to make a God we can depend on. Dad always has mentioned to his players he was coaching that he was on their side, so when he taught, corrected, and coached them through practices, games, and even life at times, it was for their good, out of caring love. The way he went about in his actions and reactions, was to make a lasting impact for those around him. Something I’ve asked myself is, am I genuinely trusting God like I trust a coach to make the right calls in a game, do I trust Him like I trust my own dad, or more so? He is a safe and secure place to put my faith in. God is omnipotent (powerful), while being omnipresent (near). If I trust that God is on my side, I can trust that whatever happens is good and for His glory. Ultimately I’m learning that my hope should be found in Christ, not the conditions I find myself in. That I can trust His character, nearness, and power; not just one or the other.

  • Romans 15:13: "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"

  • Romans 5:5: "Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us”

  • Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.


Quita said...

WOW Faith! Your words are so powerful. Stated so well. Your dad would be so proud of you. This is how he (and your mom) raised you! Keep up the good work! Prayers going up and sending Love your way.

Coach B said...

Thank you so very much!