Monday, September 2, 2024

God of Peace

 This devo was actually for the week I missed. With everything going on we forgot the computer and couldn't access things without the saved passwords!

I’ve decided to cheat again…if you’ve seen the recent updates I know you will understand. This week has hit me hard and I’ve struggled to even look at my phone. This devotion I had written while in another stage of my life that felt very similar to this one. It was at a time that new trials seemed to pop up like weeds and trusting God was never more important while never being more difficult. I’m praying God uses my discomfort, my dependence on Him to get through the tears and trials. I am aiming to be “spiritually fed so I will not be emotionally led” (Tara Bialek). 

Hello everyone, I know it has been a while since I last posted. I must confess that I have been slow to get it done due to traveling and stress. I have had a different devotion ready to post but I never felt like it was complete. Lately, I have been dealing with a lot of depression and confusion. I am anxious of next steps and confused about them, and where they will lead. I have felt like there are fifty open tabs in my head and I only know what five are about. I feel comfortable and yet that comfort makes me uncomfortable because there seems to  always be something around the the corner. The truth is that I am terrified. Terrified of the "what-ifs" and the fact that I "could" never get over my anxiety and depression. At the same time, I am scared to lose it because it is the feeling I am used to. I know that medicine doesn't work for me. The one thing that I have left to depend on is God. Though it may seem like things have only gotten worse, I am trying to look through God's eyes. I see that I have gone through anxiety, depression, OCD, possibly PTSD, and suicidal thoughts, and yet, I am still standing here alive and with God who has helped me through it all and will continue to do so. I don't say that to brag, I say it from a spot of brokenness in hopes to encourage others to know they can go through it all with God's helping hand. I also see that through my pain and brokenness, I have been able to share and connect with people not only through this blog, but in my everyday life. Whatever you are going through in life, God can and will help you to overcome, grow, strengthen, and reach others through the broken pieces. Our talents and trials can be used to God's glory. He is our shelter and guide. Trust God, He is waiting for you, arms wide open to all. 

I also want to encourage everyone to try and look at your life, circumstances, and trials through God's eyes. God is our role model that was the hero to our stories. He saved us by defeating and overcoming death itself by being hung on a cross and rising again three days later. All we have to do is believe in Him and we shall be saved. 

Isaiah 41:10
So Do Not Fear, For I Am With You; Do Not Be Dismayed, For I Am Your God. I Will Strengthen You And Help You; I Will Uphold You With My Righteous Right Hand.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Isaiah 12:2 
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord Himself, is my strength and my defense; He has become my salvation.”

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

Philippians  4:13
I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.

Try writing down some of these verses down so that you can reference back to them through the trials, pain, ,heartache, and joy. We are children of God, the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, all powerful, loving Emanuel. 

Jehovah Shalom- Peace.

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