Sunday, September 8, 2024

Play Through The Game

 When I desperately want to know why something hard is happening, I remember, Jesus had all the answers and He still wept. - Lysa Terkeurst

    I try to find ways to write devotions that aren’t only built around what’s going on in my life, but it’s honestly the place I’ve been having to learn the most. I talked about Job, and he is still ranking high on people I relate to. He questioned God, he struggled, he was hurting, confused, and tired. He didn’t have much else to give but the trials kept coming anyway. People struggle with the book of Job. It’s contents breed room for the question, “is God just?” It seems like an extremely unfair scenario. I was watching The Bible Projects video on Job and they explained that the book never really answers the question of why. However, it does reveal that our scope is too small to make that judgment. If we had to micromanage all that was going on in the world in a way we saw fit, even for just a day, we would be exhausted and want to quit. No one would be happy because everyone’s opinion is different on what Justice looks like. What is the best punishment for sins? Do you use positive or negative reinforcement to teach? What does discipline look like? Ultimately, God is bigger than we ever could imagine. He sees a greater scope than we ever could. Our tiny lens of seeing the world is not nearly good enough to judge God in His work. Yes, Job questioned God, but he also went to God for answers. He struggled, but he prayed. He was confused, but he was willing to hear God out. God understands that it is difficult, he understands that we want answers, and we want to be in the know. But nothing would genuinely be accomplished if we just skipped to the end because we knew it. If you knew whether or not your team was going to win the game in the end, you may not give the same effort or utilize that time the same. If you’ve already been told the movie or the books ending, it’s not as influential to go through the rest. We probably all think that life would be so much better if we knew the answers, but like the quote said, I don’t think it would change things as much as we hope. Things would still hurt. Things would still be upsetting. All the better reason to leave it in God’s hands and understanding, lean into Him, and let Him lead us. Let the person who sees, lead the blind, don’t just go to other blind friends. 

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