Monday, March 17, 2008

March 17, 2008 - Everyone gets a Trophy - YUCK!

24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. (1 Corinthians 9)

Did you notice that this verse is not “politically correct”? Yeah, it states that only one “receives the prize.” It was understood in athletics of that day that not everyone was a winner. In athletics everyone shouldn’t get a trophy! (Just like in life not everyone comes out on top - whether it be in job hunts or running for student council office.)

This past weekend my 10 yr. old son Caleb had a team party following the basketball season. His team won the tournament championship. They were having games, food, and trophies. The problem is that my son had not played the majority of the season due to his lack of effort in the classroom. I suspended him from hoops!

The coach contacted us saying they still wanted my Caleb to come to the party. Caleb was going to receive one trophy because we had paid for it. (It was built into the league fee so every kid gets a trophy – YUCK!) But then the coach was giving a trophy beyond that for the championship. I told the coach I did not feel comfortable having Caleb get the trophy – he didn’t earn it! (I remember when it was really something to get a trophy.)

My wife took Caleb to the party and to my surprise - and also my delight – Caleb told her he didn’t want to get the championship trophy because he knew he didn’t earn it.

Salvation is a free gift to anyone who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ – apart from works. But once we are on Christ’s team please understand that rewards are not gifts. They are based upon works! There is an economy to the reward system of Heaven. Not all believers will be rewarded the same.

How hard are you working for the Lord? Are you striving to win the prize? (Not the prize of salvation – but the prize of rewards for faithfulness.)

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