Monday, September 25, 2017

September 25, 2017 - Stop Getting Beat Up

As a coach, it is really easy to get in the habit of being negative… the job demands giving direction and correction… and when it comes game time, most of one’s time in huddles is pointing out the wrong. And to be honest, it is really easy when I am preaching to go into “correction mode.”

Recently I was hanging out with my dear friend and he was telling about advice he was given early on in his ministry; he said that his pastor reminded him that the people in the church had been working all week, were often tired, and that they DIDN’T NEED TO BE BEAT UP ON!

Now for some of you reading this you are already going into that mode of thinking today’s culture is soft and that preaching is weak and that it is ok to do a little beating up… Don’t get me wrong, I taught today that the purpose of Scripture includes correction and that conviction is a good thing, in fact I said it is a necessity for growth!

But there also needs to be some balance of allowing the Scriptures to perform another part of its purpose and comfort…

I can remember going into one of our basketball practices years ago and telling my team that we were playing wiffle ball that day… or another day I brought in a boom box and had the boys dance to lighten things up (and honestly to try to get them a little bit of rhythm to their game… Bottom line: I wanted them to relax… to not feel uptight… to find the joy of the game.

With all of that said, I have struggled even looking at the last couple of days as the news is so depressing; I feel beat up just reading through the headlines. And I find myself, as a coach / minister, tempted to pull out the correction-gun (and really feel I could unload the ammo on each side of the issues taking place!)

But realize tonight that I need to relax, and probably most of you readers do. We need to be comforted. We need to get out our “dancing shoes” and find some joy… This week focus on God’s goodness to us and avoid trying to correct everything. Read some Psalms of praise… commit to listening to some positive praise music… get uplifted!

I’m getting pumped as I get to preach in an elementary chapel tomorrow morning; going to celebrate what a “good, good Father” we have and that we are “loved by” Him!

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