Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24, 2018 - In The Crosshairs

This weekend seemed to have a regular theme in my sports-to-devotion brain… first I saw a cool meme that stated something along the lines of… stop focusing on how to be the best on the team and start focusing on how to be the best for the team (or how to make the team the best.)

Reality is that a player that truly focuses on making the team the best will by default be working to be his best…

This truth through a meme played out in the message at church yesterday as well… although the message predominantly focused on marriage, it rang true for all relationships… be it teams, the workplace… etc.

Philippians 2:3 (a verse that regularly appears on this site) states that we should “let nothing be done through selfishness or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.”

This verse is very clear of the attitudes we should possess… how we should view our “teammates.” By stating “lowliness of mind”, it is not saying we have to think horrible of ourselves… or that we should not strive for excellence in what we do; instead it is stating a comparison in attitude… that we should not consider ourselves as superior… or of higher rank than others.

How this is put into action comes back to our meme… how can we make the team the best? Verse 4 gives a very direct action to go with the attitude presented in verse 3… it tells us how we can stay humble…

This happens when each “LOOK out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Again, we see that we still take care of personal business but go beyond that to “LOOK” at others!

The word for “look” is Skopeo… it carries the idea of taking an intense look or focus… obviously we get our word “Scope” from this. So, we are being commanded to make sure that our “teammates’” needs are in the crosshairs of our scope!

Let’s make the team better today!

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