Monday, June 3, 2019

June 3, 2019 - I Don't Think You Are That Good!

Many years ago, I was playing in a church men’s league basketball game… I had asked one of my dear friends to come along to play and he was excited about getting out on the court. I don’t remember much of anything about the game or the night at all; just going on what my friend would tell me many years later.

Now to share his recollection… (which I will make me sound like a big jerk… like the Simon Cowell of church league basketball.) Apparently, following our win, we were talking in the parking lot when my friend made this remark, “I normally don’t play that good.” In his mind he did some positive things and/or he didn’t do a lot of negative things; to which I supposedly responded, “I didn’t think you were that good.”

Again, I don’t remember this taking place, and if it did, I’m sure my response was made in jest to tease him a bit, (at least I hope so.) The point is a simple one that we sometimes may have a distorted view of our contribution to the team…

I was reminded of that story when my wife shared about a devotion she had just read. In the devo, there was a story of a guy that had retired from a job he had worked for over 20 years… one of the bosses from his former work place saw him and the guy asked the boss, “how did you fill the void when I left?” To which the boss replied, “There wasn’t a void to fill…”

I’ve heard pastors ask the question of their congregations, “If we shut our doors tomorrow, would the community miss us?” I wasn’t to make it more personal. If you, as an individual part of your church be missed if you left?

My fear is that we far too often view being a good teammate in the church as simply filling a seat and/or not doing negative things. There is a mentality of being a good Christian because one goes to church… or being good Christian just because of what one avoids.

With the chance I sound like a jerk, if that is all you think makes you a good Christian, I don’t think you’re that good! I’m not impressed with just not making mistakes… make a difference “on the court!” Make enough “noise” that you will be missed when you are gone… that it will be hard to fill the void!

Hebrews 13:6 But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (NKJV)

Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship – a different kind of “sacrifice” – that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets. (The Message)

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