Monday, July 27, 2020

July 27, 2020 - NO WASTED DAYS!

Often in the sports world we build everything based upon future goals… what we want our team to accomplish at the end of the season… what accolades a player will receive after the end of the season… etc.

I am all for goals… and believe they can be good motivators. But, when future goals are primary motivator, it is easy to lose sight of today…

When things are not going well, looking to the future can be very ominous, or even hopeless… or when things are going well, it can cause false assurance. Either one can cause a lack of understanding the importance of TODAY! On the negative side it creates a “what’s the use?”-mentality; on the positive side it creates a “take a break today - get back to it tomorrow”-mentality.

As a coach, the goal is to ensure that the team understands the importance of TODAY in preparation for tomorrow… NO WASTED DAYS ENSURES THE BEST POSSIBLE TOMORROWS! I typically taught during camps or during seasons that the mirror each night was where one asks the question if the day was a success.

We are living in times where it is very easy to be focused on the future… wondering what things are going to look like? The Scriptures warn against living in the future…

In Matthew 6 Jesus tells us to “not worry about your life” (vs 25), remembering the God will take care of us! In Proverbs 27:1 we are told to “not boast about tomorrow” since the future involves unknown variables.

Again I am for goals… and in spite of an assurance that we win in the end (because of Christ’s performance/sacrifice)… let’s honor God with a “NO WASTED DAYS” mentality!

As a coach I’m just following Scripture… Hebrew 3:13 which says to “exhort one another daily, while it is called TODAY…”

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