Currently Team Burden (my wife and I) are at a “timeout” in life where we are listening for instruction from “The Coach”… when players come to a huddle it is with the expectation that the coach will give direction for when they go back out on the floor/field…
As a coach, the goal is not always to call or design a play, but sometimes simply to remind the players what they already know or have been taught. The work of a pastor (coach) is “equipping the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ…” (Ephesians 4:12)
So, there are times, as a coach, one will allow the team to play free lance… not calling a designed play. But does that mean the players can do whatever they want? Of course not… they still must play according to the rules… they still should play according to the team principles that have been instilled… they still should know, from their training/equipping what are good vs bad shots… they still know to play together as a unit… AND EVEN THOUGH they may not have been assigned a specific spot on the floor to run to, they are trained/equipped to know what kind of spots to run to! I would simply tell a player that wanted direction, “Do what you know to do…”
Therefore, as a coach, sometimes the huddle is for LEADING (specifically designed plays the coach sees will work) and sometimes the huddle is for LETTING (reminding the players to trust what they have been trained/equipped to do whatever the opponent throws at them.)
God, as a sovereign Coach, is fully aware of how the game is being played… and may I suggest here that sometimes God is “LEADING/CALLING” us to run a specific play… but other times is simply “LETTING” us choose where to go on the court, while not forgetting our TRAINING/EQUIPPING.
So as we (Team Burden) pray and ponder things in this “timeout,” what we lean upon is that whether God LEADS or LETS us go somewhere, we will still “do what we know to do!”
“If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the utmost parts of the sea, EVEN there Your hand shall LEAD me, and Your right hand shall HOLD me.” (Psalm 139:9-10)
BOTTOM LINE: Even when God LETS us play free lance… He
still LEADS us via His Word!
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