Tuesday, August 19, 2008

August 18, 2008 - Working Hard for the Gold

This past week I spent time with my dad who went through a total knee replacement. He has had multiple knee surgeries but this one was obviously the big daddy of them all. The morning after the surgery things were going great for Dad. He was able to take a decent walk around the hospital floor and met his discharge goals during the first session. That resulted in him getting to go home a day early. Upon arrival at home his knee began to stiffen significantly and the exercises became much more difficult (impossible in his mind.)

Yesterday I was able to take him to his physical therapy appointment and watch the therapist work him through the pain, and the reminder, of the hard work that was ahead to reach his goal.

I was also able during the week at my dad’s to take in a lot of the Olympics. There the big story was Michael Phelps winning his 7th and 8th gold medals of these Olympic Games. I love to listen to the post-race interviews.

After winning the 7th gold and tying Mark Spitz for the most ever in 1 Olympic year, Phelps was interviewed along with Spitz (via satellite) about the accomplishment. Both men were very gracious and talked complimentary of the other. Spitz talked of the competitive greatness it takes to be a great champion.

After winning his record-breaking 8th Gold, Phelps had the screen all to himself in the interview. He had just accomplished what many thought was impossible. He talked of the dream he had of being a champion that was started at an early age. He talked of the joy of receiving the gold medals. Yet he seemed to emphasize more the hard work of the journey.

As believer I think it is important for us to have a vision – a goal. As churches I think the same is true. We often make great plans. Yet I hope we remember that no matter how grand the plan, there is a journey of hard work and dedication that is needed.

What are your dreams and goals? Have you set forth on a disciplined course of hard work to achieve them? Nehemiah had a vision of rebuilding the walls, yet had to actually go there and put forth a lot of hard work. Look at the command in 2 Timothy chapter 2:

15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Note the emphasis on being “diligent” and the subject is a “worker.” It is time for us to get out of our comfortable pews of our churches and work for the Lord. It is not easy but it is the only way to reach our goals.

I love the old quote that says that the one that works the hardest will be the last to surrender!

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