Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013 - Preparing for Success

The last couple of weeks have involved devotions that involved the warning of enemy attack and the challenge to rise up in the spiritual battle. Yet to have confidence when facing a challenge one must feel prepared…

John Wooden talked about the idea of being prepared in his Pyramid of Success. He said this in his book: “one of my favorite maxims is ‘Failing to prepare is preparation for failure.’ Poise and confidence come with proper preparation. When we are as prepared as we know how to be, and we know that we have the tools to handle most of the unknowns that might come our way, we can go into an event, a job, a meeting, a show or any other venue (i.e. spiritual battle) with total confidence.” (italics mine)

So how does the “player” on God’s “team” prepare for the “game” of life? I am very thankful for Christian education and all the resources we have at our disposal via the internet. There are so many ways to get an education… Yet sometimes I fear that we ignore the basic “game plan” that God gave us in the Scriptures…

Way back in Deuteronomy 6 parents (the first line of Christian education) were commanded to emphasize God’s Word to their children; in Psalm 119 we see the command to hide God’s Word in our hearts, to take heed of His Word, to meditate on His Word, to contemplate His Word, to… well I think you get the picture; Jesus fought off temptation by quoting God’s Word; Romans tells us God’s Word is transforming; Hebrews tells us that God’s Word is living…

Again I am thankful for Christian education yet the fundamental way in which we prepare for spiritual battle is found in digging into (and memorizing the “plays”) in God’s Word!

Are you confident? Are you prepared? I can guarantee that if you fail to prepare you will fail…

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