Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013 - I Live For Moments Like This

Last week I talked about the fact that we will be engaged in battle with the enemy; and that our level of making a difference can directly correlate with the enemy’s level of attack. I used a quote from Rev Richard Baxter; it said in part: “He (the enemy) bears the greatest malice against the man who is engaged in working the greatest damage against him.”

I ended last week with the statement that I wanted Satan to notice me and step up his attack. Why in the world would anyone want to go to battle?

I was reading this morning on about the Lakers/Hawks game from last night. In it Kobe Bryant had a nasty throw down on Josh Smith. Kobe looked like he was 10 years younger. The Lakers ended up winning a tight game by one point. From all I read it sounded like an intense battle…

Kobe was quoted as saying, “It’s just a challenge. I wouldn’t even categorize it as fun. The fun comes in the challenge, and we’re up for it.”

Josh Smith stated: “He’s an assassin. He wants that moment…I love taking a challenge like that and try to step up and try to make it tough for him…I live for moments like this.”

Please understand I am not likening spiritual warfare to a basketball game. It is much more intense with much more at stake! Our enemy is truly an “assassin”; roaming about like a lion, seeking to steal, kill, and destroy. (See 1 Peter 5:8 and John 10:10) But the mentality of a competitor, (someone willing to face a challenge), needs to be evident in our lives!

I love a challenge! I love to do battle! As Josh Smith stated, “I live for moments like this.” But please remember that this is not about winning a game; but literally the souls of men are at stake! Christ said the “fields are white unto harvest”! (John 4:35)

It is time to rise up and take the challenge!

There is an old song that was put out by the Gaither Vocal Band; the title of the song: A Few Good Men. It reminds us that God is looking for those that will engage in the battle. It has the following line that I will end with:

“Enlistment lines are open and He wants you to come in – He just needs a few good men.”

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