This past weekend we held a MAD (Making A Difference)
Coaches’ Retreat here in AL; had the great joy of hosting and sharing with the
guys from NC that are such faithful servants – MVV’s (Most Valuable Volunteers.)
We had some fun, ate some good food, and most importantly took a look at God’s
Playbook together.
The plan was, as the coach, to equip for “game play.”
Therefore I attempted to pour in some knowledge and game plans to help us all
be better prepared. One of the things that has stood out in my mind since our
discussions was the reminder to not “over-dribble.”
Guards often get accused of over-dribbling in games and
not getting to the goal. In other words that extra dribble between the legs or
behind the back may look good but it could also be the difference in getting to
the goal. If you can get there in 1 dribble don’t use 3. Use dribbling as a
weapon to find or create lanes to the goal and then bust through that lane!
This has stayed on my mind because I had the coaching joy
of seeing the players immediately step back onto the court and start executing
the game plan. I have watched as they have been sharing things we taught in the
retreat huddles and I am seeing the defense soften and lanes opening up.
The reminder this week is to make sure that we are
faithful to be prepared to give a defense for the hope that is in us; with the
reminder that the “goal” is sharing the Gospel (the power of God unto salvation
– Romans 1:16) and not winning debates.
Proverbs 17:27 He who has knowledge spares his words (doesn’t over-dribble)
And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.
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