Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 11. 2015 - One Bucket At A Time

Do you ever feel like you’re “20 points down on the scoreboard” of life… maybe even 30 or 40? Do you ever feel like you’re getting “blown out” in life?

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time…

How do you come back in a game? One bucket at a time…

Today, and many days as of late, I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that I need to get done. I sit here tonight working late on this devotion after a very busy day of travel and busy work. I get overwhelmed because I look at things that need done over the next few months instead of looking at the “next play” today.

In reality I got a lot accomplished today but it would have been easy to get paralyzed (instead I just found myself getting grumpy – which is not good either.) The truth is that I can (and you can) be overwhelmed by the wrong things when we “play to the scoreboard” instead of focusing on the “next play.”

Matthew 6:34 is very clear that we should “not worry about tomorrow…” Remember tomorrow’s stuff will be there to take care of tomorrow…

Philippians 4:6 tells us to “not be anxious…” and 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to “cast our anxiety on Him…

And in that verse in 1 Peter it tells us we can do this because “He cares for you” and for me…

What should overwhelm us is that the God of the universe cares for us… that He is interested and involved in our lives… that He all-powerful, all-knowing, and yet full of grace!

My wife will often mention a song I wrote a couple years ago; it is usually when she has been feeling overwhelmed with life and she says the song brings her conviction that her focus is wrong. And of course since our lives run together then it is usually that I am feeling overwhelmed about the wrong things and then I get convicted…

Jesus, worthy is your name…
Jesus, greatly to be praised…
And all that I can say…
Is I’m overwhelmed!

Remember today to focus on getting “one bucket at a time!”

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