Monday, September 5, 2016

September 5, 2016 - I'm With You All The Way

Last week I encouraged us to make sure we are part of a team… a team that talks… a team that has each other’s back… And I repeat what I wrote last week that I am so thankful for the “teammates” God has blessed me with; ones that “play alongside me”; ones that help keep me accountable… So I start this week reminding each of us to be intentional in reaching out to others. You will be amazed at how much “ministry” involves simply being there for someone.

This week, thanks again to the series my pastor Matt Brooks is teaching, I will stay in the same vein of thought. Matt took things deeper in talking about those special “teammates” that are not only there for the normal ups and downs of the “game” but also are willing to go alongside when things seem impossible.

(Writing this tonight is a result of a text I received a few minutes before from a friend that stated: “With you all the way bro” – that line will make more sense as we see the awesome scripture that Pastor Matt shared yesterday.)

In 1st Samuel 13 we see that Saul, Jonathan his son, and their army were facing impossible odds; they didn’t even have true weapons to fight the Philistines with (only Saul and Jonathan even having swords.) Basically there was no human reason to engage in battle but in chapter 14 we see that Jonathan feels led by the Lord to go on the offensive against these “impossible” odds, reminding us that with God all things are possible…

Basically Jonathan tells his armor-bearer that they are going to go into the enemy’s camp and trust the Lord to bring them victory… I could write a lot about the battle but you can read how cool of a victory it is (and even go to and watch yesterday’s sermon if you want.)

I’ll simply highlight the verse that Matt pointed out when it comes to truly living as “teammates”, living in community. After Jonathan has shared his plan, verse 7 records the response: (The Message) His armor bearer said, “Go ahead. Do what you think best. I’m with you all the way.”

Do you have anyone willing to go to battle with you? Are you the type of “teammate” that will go to battle with a friend? Are you willing to go beyond the norm?

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