Monday, November 21, 2016

November 21, 2016 - Dumb and Dumber

Earlier today I was watching a college basketball game and the commentator (Bill Walton) made the following remark about how a team handled coming out of a timeout: “They obviously didn’t listen to their coach in the huddle.” (…Or something close to that.)

But he had a great point in that it is always assumed that what players do on the court or field is a direct reflection of what they have been taught. That is as ludicrous as assuming that everything our kids do we have taught them… Yet the reality is that generally when players do dumb things, fans say the coach is dumb. (Makes me think of my favorite assistant coach, who often reads these devos, he was “Dumb” and I was “Dumber.”)

The same is often true of God… people make their assumptions about Him based upon what they see in His “players.” In other words, if people you are close to think poorly about God then maybe you are not representing Him well…

2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ,….

What a high responsibility! Think about your life and how it compares to the life of Christ. You, and I, are called to represent or be like Him. Do you love like He loves? Do you serve like He serves? Are you humble like He is humble?

Ambassadors, it’s time to REPRESENT!

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