Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30, 2018 - Beyond Obligations

I had the privilege of attending and speaking at the Global Impact Celebration at Wills Valley Community Church (AL) this past weekend… it was a great time of fellowship with many missionaries… and a great time of challenge to each of us in attendance…

One of my main points was very basic… (I stole it from the blog of my dear friend Roy Mason of Global Evangelism)… we need to move Beyond Obligation to Opportunity!

I will explain it via a way it plays out when I run clinics. When we have shooting competition, there is a standing rule that losers do push-ups… yet any kids that have trained with me before know that I will remind the winners that the losers are getting stronger… and that leads to winners doing “want-to” push-ups… they are not an obligation but instead an opportunity.

I had someone tell me recently tell me that a passionate player was one that went to all the practices; I responded that was not at how I would describe a passionate player… in fact that is expected of every player that is on the team… each is obligated to it! The passionate player arrives early, stays late, sneaks into gyms, finds outdoor courts, etc.… that player can turn his driveway into a coliseum! That player looks for opportunities….

IN the church we are big on teaching about obligation… we will even put percentages on it. Yet, I believe the mature believer lives life looking for opportunities to serve God through serving others… and is not keeping a ledger…

I brought up in my message the 2000 hit from Tim McGraw “Just To See You Smile.” In the song it talks of a guy that is so taken by the girl that he would do anything just to see her smile…

     Just to see you smile

     I’d do anything, that you wanted me to

     When all is said and done

     I’d never count the cost, it’s worth all that’s lost

     Just to see you smile

Unfortunately, I feel most of us live our lives singing to God:

     Just to keep you happy

     I’ll give 10%... and one day a week… and may even listen to Christian radio…

I personally want to go beyond just trying to satisfy my obligations to actually pleasing God… putting a smile on His face! Check out how Paul describes gifts that serve… Philippians 4:18 Indeed I have all and abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God.

I shared this quote in the message yesterday: “Our lives are defined by opportunities ---- even the ones we miss!”

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