Monday, September 9, 2019

September 9, 2019 - Stop Trying To Do Too Much!

I spend almost every day talking with someone (often myself) about what is the next move to make… or to make it sound theological… what is God’s leading?

As a coach, one that makes decisions on plays, one often faces games that don’t necessarily go as planned. At times this is because the other team does not do what was expected… and other times it is because the team is simply not executing the plan.

In one of the NFL games yesterday, the star rookie quarterback (Kyler Murray) was struggling and found his team (Arizona Cardinals) down by 18 points... In the 4th quarter the team made an incredible come back and ended up with a tie in overtime. The reason I write about it is because of what the offensive coordinator had to say:

"It was three quarters of the worst offense I've seen in my life and it was my fault," Kingsbury said. "Bad play calls, just trying to do too much, and we'll get that corrected."

When reading other articles, the coordinator talked of trying to do too much and getting away from what they had worked on… he took the blame for not sticking to the game plan.

As I was giving some counsel yesterday, I had to tell the person that even though at times the game (life) is rough, the first place to stop and look is one’s own choices… are they measuring up to what the Scriptures clearly lay out for how one should live? (God has much to say on how we should treat others… how we should do business… how we should handle our finances… etc.)

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Coach Burden Translation: Stop trying to get cute and do too much… stick to the game plan… do things the way He has told you to!

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