Monday, December 16, 2019

December 16, 2019 - Back to the Basics

As I was driving today, I was listening to some old CCM on Pandora… plugged it in as a 4Him radio station… heard some great old tunes that I love (many that I used to sing when sharing in churches.) It was encouraging as many of those songs were foundational to my growth… one song, in particular, reminded me of the importance of having the right foundation… (I’ll get to that in a minute.)

I also this week booked a basketball camp for February. It is going to be an interesting camp as I will be slowed with a bum shoulder, yet the focus is going to be our usual “FUNdaMENTALs” training. Whenever I teach hoops I begin with, and keep going back to, the basics; and that is true whatever age group or skill set I am working with. You see I am a firm believer in getting back to the basics… (that could bring up a 4Him song, Basics of Life; but that is not the one that got me thinking about this devotion.) Obviously when I am working with younger players or inexperienced players, we spend more time on the basics, but ALL need the time “sharpening the axe.” (Those that have been a part of our camps will recognize that reference.) Even when in season as a coach, our practices have ample time for fundamentals…

Basically, I teach this: Fundamentals are the anchor that will hold in a storm… even if the other team is fast, athletic, tenacious, etc. our fundamental skill set will help us compete.

Maybe by now you have figured out the old CCM song I heard today… The Anchor Holds. I love the lyrics that state “the anchor holds, though the ship is battered.” Jesus, our hope, is what gives us anchor (Hebrews 6:19); God, our refuge, is our strength and our help in time of trouble (See Psalm 46.)

Here at CHRISTmas time let me remind us that the promise of Jesus, is the promise of salvation… the promise of joy… the promise of peace. Read Luke 2 and anchor your hope in the promises that were made to the shepherds.

Let me also encourage you with a spoken word my 14-yr.-old daughter Faith wrote and shared in her weekly devotion she does online… she deals with some serious anxieties, but knows that she has to go back to the fundamental truths of our faith… ENJOY:

Desperate for change, and longing for grace...Jesus saves!
Before creation
You made something out of nothing
Supernatural natural
Impossible possible
And before our eyes today
We see you coming again
Beautiful to majestic
Hurt to hope
Pain to healing
Sadness to joy
Joy that isn't just a happiness
But a lifelong bright side
A glorious sunrise lasting on and on
Throughout the day
A peaceful rest in God
For the cup overflowing
Not half empty and full
The cup is both but with God
He CAN grow it into a bucket
that splashes as you step
A joyful rest
Spreading and watering the seeds as we grow

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