Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5, 2012 - March Madness

Hello sports fans, it is officially time for March Madness! This is the most insane and intense journey basketball fans go on. When it gets to actual tourney time every game becomes a single-elimination, win or go home game. It is a time where fans show their deep devotion and commitment to teams. It is “Madness”!

So who will you be rooting for? Will you paint your face for games? Will you make sure to wear your teams’ jersey or hoodie on game day? Will you travel and pay to see them play? Will you find yourself tensed up on game days? Will you let those around you know who you are rooting for? Will you show your fanatical madness?

Yes hoops fans love March Madness – and that includes me. I often jokingly state that “it’s the most wonderful time of the year.” (And I can get away with it since it leads into Easter and celebrating the resurrection…)

I recently shared in our ministry’s spring newsletter (if you want a copy shoot me a message) that “I am MAD!” No I do not mean angry; I mean I am madly in love with my Savior! I am madly in love with His Word! It changes the way I live life. I want people to know whose side I am on. I don’t want there to be any question as to where my allegiance lies. I long to be fanatical about Jesus!

Deuteronomy 6:5 tells us to “love the Lord our God with all of heart, with all of our soul, and with all of our strength!” That indicated a love that changes us. This is a love that drives us to the point of “MADness.”

MAD: Making A Difference!

Is your love for Christ making a difference in your life? Is it causing you to make a difference in the lives of others?

Colossians 3:17 reminds us that everything we do should be "in the name of the Lord" – for His glory – for His honor! Think about that… Christ is supposed to be influencing your day in every way!

Join with me (InBounds Ministries) this month as we set on a journey of Madness: one where we truly strive to “Make A Difference!

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