Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16, 2013 - The Throne of Fame (Reaching out to us little people)

One of the things I love is to see the feel-good stories done about athletes; the ones where the athlete goes out of his or her way to make a fan feel special or to visit a sick kid or… you get the picture. Recently saw an ESPN spot on the quarterback from the University of Alabama and his special bond with a little girl that has cancer; saw a photo of an NBA player over in the stands greeting a kid that has down syndrome; loved to read about the way Tim Tebow made games special for fans; etc.

The reason this pulls at our heartstrings is because these are people that are placed on a pedestal; one where thousands of adoring fans chant their names and line up by the tunnels hoping to at least get the touch of a high five or something…  So if we are honest, when we see these stories it appears as though there is a great humbling of this great sports-god in taking time out of his schedule to reach out and touch us little-people…

I know that is a very drastic way of putting it. I am a sports nut but have to admit that our priorities in our culture are quite askew! (I confess it even in my life. When my son played for Michael Jordan’s brother, we felt like we were amongst the basketball royal family. When MJ’s mom spoke to the guys I found myself listening to her like she was this super mom because her son was a super basketball player.) So my point is that in it feels good when these people (that we have admittedly elevated to an improper lofty status) steps off the throne of fame and into our world.

All of that to remind you what CHRISTmas is really about…

 It is about the God of the universe stepping down into our world to touch us little people! In fact the first folks introduced to the baby Jesus were the lowly shepherds (a people on the lowest end of the social ladder.) God humbled Himself taking on the form of a man and being born, (not as the conquering, all-powerful, impressive Being that He is), but as a baby… wrapped in swaddling cloths (restrained)… in order to touch humanity!

This God whom we adore (I’m a huge fan!) showed that He adores us! The angel told the shepherds (and us) that they had good news of great Joy; that Jesus is the Savior – our Hope; that all men can have peace with God! (Luke 2:10-14) And the Scriptures go on to remind us that Jesus humbled Himself even to the point of death on the cross! (Philippians 2:8) Don’t you see? God demonstrated His love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8) He adores us!

Our job this CHRISTmas is in the midst of the tiring hustle and bustle of the holidays to rest in that joy, hope, and peace! And like those shepherds did, to share that joy, hope, and peace with others! (See Luke 2:17-18)

The message of Jesus’s birth is the ultimate feel-good story of God stepping off His pedestal to offer joy, hope, and peace to all people!

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