Monday, December 29, 2014

December 29, 2014 - MAD New Year!

I loved a story that our pastor shared last week in church; he talked about trading/selling baseball cards when he was a kid. In the story he shared about looking up what a card was worth in the Beckett’s card guide only to finds that it didn’t always agree with what someone was willing to pay for the card.
Moral of the story: Value is determined by what someone is willing to pay!

In a couple of days people will write out personal resolutions for the new year; most will revolve around ways to make one feel of more worth. They will be based upon how the person feels about himself… and often based upon what culture has determined will give one value.

May I remind you, as our pastor did us, that your value is determined by what someone is willing pay for you; and the God of the universe thought you worth His only begotten Son’s life! (John 3:16) That is where you will find meaning and purpose!
“Your significance is not based upon your successes but on your Savior!” (Pastor Matt Brooks, LifePoint Church)

I’m not saying that one should not make resolutions that improve health, etc. But if it is with the underlying thought that it will somehow add more worth/significance to your life then you are missing the big picture.

The Biblical picture of resolutions should bring us to focus on God and on others (you know the “love God… and your neighbor” commands from Jesus.) I did a graphic for some messages a couple years ago that stated that my resolutions were “i will focus on U!”

I want people to know that God loves them and that I love them. This is shown by what I am willing to “pay” to reach them. I want to invest in people… God did!

Will 2015 find you giving of your time and resources to let people know they matter? Invest in others! Go MAD! (Make A Difference)

MAD New Year!

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