Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31, 2015 - Know Your Opponent / Opportunity

When scouting an opponent it is important to learn his tendencies. Figure out is he right handed or left handed (and can he even use his weak hand.) Figure out if he likes to drive the lane or pull up for the jump shot (and if that varies if he starts left vs starting right.) Figure out if he likes to run off screens and is a catch-and-shoot player or if he needs to put the ball on the floor. Figure out if he is strong in the post. Figure out if he strong with the ball from floor to chin or does he need to get the ball up high to be effective. IN OTHER WORDS YOU NEED TO KNOW YOUR OPPONENT.

Let me first state that our spiritual opponent is “not flesh and blood but… spiritual…” (Ephesians 6:12) And it is true that it is important to know the enemy and recognize his work in our lives.

But this week’s devotion is more centered on the principle of knowing not who we are trying to beat but instead who we are trying to reach! NOTE THAT THE UNSAVED MAN IS NOT OUR ENEMY/OPPONENT BUT INSTEAD OUR OPPORTUNITY.

Knowing who we are trying to reach means that we take the time to know people’s stories. It means we take time to see them as valued human beings that Christ died for. It means we take interest in them and learn why they live and think the way they do. It means we are intentional in figuring out how we are going to love/reach them…

In John 2:25 it states that Jesus “knew what was in man.” In other words Jesus reached out based upon where the individual was at. And although I do believe that some people have a gift of discernment and can somewhat see what is in a man, we all need to learn to take the time to know the individuals we are trying to reach.

Here is a prelude to something you will be hearing often from our MAD (Make A Difference) men and women. In a new launch within our ministry (that is coming very soon) we will use this motto:

Today we LIVE! (Love Intentionally Value Everyone!) That means we are vowing to get to know where people are coming from in order to reach them effectively! We will value every opportunity!

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