The talking heads all have their opinions, yet I like to
listen to the former players that understand what makes teams great. When
listening to those guys, you hear more about how players will mesh with one
another – or how they complement one another.
Ultimately great teams require players that understand
their roles and fill them!
Recently, while sharing with a group of recent high
school grads on our mission trip, I encouraged the group to “find their lanes”
(purpose and passion) and “swim in those lanes.” I encourage each of you to do
the same… what are you passionate about? What is your purpose? How are you
Yet this week I want to also ask you if you have
considered if you have the right “personnel” around you? Have you surrounded
yourself with encouragers? Are the people around “dream-makers” or “dream-breakers”?
Proverbs 12:26 The righteous should choose his friends
If the NBA executives are taking time to choose
basketball players carefully, how much more should we emphasize choosing
friends carefully? It has been said that “you become like the 5 people you
spend the most time with. Choose carefully.”
“Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it
is better to be alone than in bad company.” Booker T Washington
1 Corinthians 15:33 Bo not be deceived: “Evil company
corrupts good habits.”
Go to the "draft board" and get you some “lottery pick”
friends that will help this next season of your life be stronger!
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